»Geballtes Wissen« is a digital platform that aims to inform about everything that is worth knowing when organising an event. The underlying project originally took place in the form of offline workshops - during the Corona lockdowns, the idea arose to collect the pool of shared knowledge online and make it accessible to more people. The Agentur für kreative ZwischenRaumNutzung e.V. commissioned us to develop a digital solution. The challenge of the project was to transport knowledge on an almost encyclopaedic scale without overwhelming the platform visitors. They should feel invited at the first impression of the website and be activated to browse. Since the platform is aimed at beginners as well as advanced organisers, it should appeal equally to both target groups.
To meet the requirements, we worked with large colour areas that clearly structure the page - and graphic, moving illustrations that abstractly depict the topics and contribute an activating dynamic. For the colour set, we chose tones that have a contemporary and lively effect and at the same time a businesslike feel. To develop the website content, we had to coordinate and moderate a 9-person editorial team. Together we divided the information into three sections:
1. the "Step by Step" - an inviting overview on the start page: the phases of the organizing process are presented in the form of a cycle that explains itself when hovering and jumps to the respective phase when clicked. The individual phases are accompanied by short texts and animated illustrations, that summarise and illustrate. The endless scroll of the page refers to the fact that at the end of the event process people are again at the beginning of a new process.
2. the "Statements" bring together short video interviews that give insights into tips from the organisers' network.
3. the "A-Z" - a glossary of detailed knowledge. The individual terms can be opened and closed via dropdown, so that the collection always remains clear.
Agentur für kreative Zwischenraumnutzung Hannover e.V.
• Categories
Website, Editorial, Animation
Art Direction, Webdesign, Animation, Graphic Design, Concept
»Geballtes Wissen« is a digital platform that aims to inform about everything that is worth knowing when organising an event. The underlying project originally took place in the form of offline workshops - during the Corona lockdowns, the idea arose to collect the pool of shared knowledge online and make it accessible to more people. The Agentur für kreative ZwischenRaumNutzung e.V. commissioned us to develop a digital solution. The challenge of the project was to transport knowledge on an almost encyclopaedic scale without overwhelming the platform visitors. They should feel invited at the first impression of the website and be activated to browse. Since the platform is aimed at beginners as well as advanced organisers, it should appeal equally to both target groups.
To meet the requirements, we worked with large colour areas that clearly structure the page - and graphic, moving illustrations that abstractly depict the topics and contribute an activating dynamic. For the colour set, we chose tones that have a contemporary and lively effect and at the same time a businesslike feel. To develop the website content, we had to coordinate and moderate a 9-person editorial team. Together we divided the information into three sections:
1. the "Step by Step" - an inviting overview on the start page: the phases of the organizing process are presented in the form of a cycle that explains itself when hovering and jumps to the respective phase when clicked. The individual phases are accompanied by short texts and animated illustrations, that summarise and illustrate. The endless scroll of the page refers to the fact that at the end of the event process people are again at the beginning of a new process.
2. the "Statements" bring together short video interviews that give insights into tips from the organisers' network.
3. the "A-Z" - a glossary of detailed knowledge. The individual terms can be opened and closed via dropdown, so that the collection always remains clear.
Agentur für kreative Zwischenraumnutzung Hannover e.V.
• Categories
Website, Editorial, Animation
Art Direction, Webdesign, Animation, Graphic Design, Concept
Monday to Friday, 10:00 — 18:00
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+49 (0)511 940 02913
Bureau Bordeaux
Königsworther Str. 33
30167 Hannover
Monday to Friday, 10:00 — 18:00
• Open
• Closed
+49 (0)511 940 02913
Bureau Bordeaux
Königsworther Str. 33
30167 Hannover
© 2025, Bureau Bordeaux